RST ONLINE ENROLMENT  INSTRUCTIONS  Please be informed the enrollment at RST will be on August 10-18, 2020.  You may follow the steps below if you wish to enroll.  Download the ENROLMENT FORM (2020 RST Online Enrolment Form for SThB/ MAT), the REGISTRATION FORM (2020 RST Online Registration Form), and the REQUIREMENTS’ COMPLETION FORM (2020 RST…

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RST Applicants Entrance Exam Schedule

These are the following applicants who will take the RST Entrance Exam: July 3, 2020 at 10:00 Bro. Mateo Nguyen, SdC Bro. Peter Nguyen Van Dien, SdC Bro. Paul Nguyen Van Dao, SdC Bro. Huy Cuong Nguyen, SCJ July 6, 2020, at 10:00 AM Bro. Cyrus John Eligarco, MMHC Bro. Acceber Joseph S. Pahang, MMHC…

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RST Seminar-Workshop on Flexible Learning

In preparation for the SY 2020-2021, RST organized a Seminar-Workshop on Flexible Learning.   It will be held on July 6, 2020, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  at the Bulwagan Auditorium. The Seminar-Workshop will consist of three parts: The principles necessary for online learning and the shifts necessary for the implementation of flexible learning design Fundamental…

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RST CONTINUITY PLAN FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING IN CASE OF MANDATORY QUARANTINE AND CLASS SUSPENSIONS DUE TO COVID-19 A. Conduct of Online Classes 1. Classes shall proceed as scheduled and shall be delivered through online. The professors are advised to take advantage of the following learning platforms: RST website Professor’s Nook, ZOOM, Google Platform, and…

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RST Plan for Ending SY 2019-2020 during ECQ

RST Plan for the Ending of School Year 2019-2020 during the Extended and Post-Enhanced Community Quarantine The RST Board of Trustees decided on the continuity plan during the Extended and Post-Enhanced Community Quarantine.  Please read and be guided accordingly: I.               Classes for Second Semester SY 2019-2020 a.     Classes will end on May 30, 2020.  All…

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Alternative Final Thesis Defense Procedure

Alternative Final Thesis Defense Procedure Due to the COVID 19 PANDEMIC Due the COVID 19 pandemic, RST’s Research Office makes the necessary adjustments as to the conduct of the final thesis defense. This alternative thesis defense procedure is in no way a watering down of the standards or a simplification to achieve the objectives of…

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covid-19 no classes

March 13, 2020 Due to the Covid-19 crisis and government directives, there will be no classes until April 12, 2020. The “Theology days” and “Lakbay-aral” will be cancelled as well. Classes will resume on Easter Monday April 13, 2020. The pandemic crisis should not stop us in our quest for understanding our faith in God.…

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