Due the COVID 19 pandemic, RST’s Research Office makes the necessary adjustments as to the conduct of the final thesis defense. This alternative thesis defense procedure is in no way a watering down of the standards or a simplification to achieve the objectives of this academic requirement for (MAT degree). It is only the process that is changed but not the standards nor the learning curve on the part of the students.
The following is the procedure for the final thesis defense.
Submission of Thesis for Final Defense
1. Secure the approval of your thesis adviser to subject your research paper for final defense.
a. Download the document “Final Thesis Defense Submission Form” from the institution’s website: http://www.rst.edu.ph /research-forms.
b. Fill-out the form
c. As to the signature of your adviser you may secure his digital signature.
2. Submit to [email protected] the following:
a. Thesis (final defense format) in pdf or in word format
b. Final Defense Submission Form
3. The research will be subjected to an authenticity validating app “Turnitin”. (Plagiarism is not only an intellectual dishonesty but a CRIME. Thus, plagiarized research submitted will be dealt with according to the strict standards of academic and religious institutions. Punishment could range from permanent disqualification from the MAT program, change of topic, or re-writing the whole thesis. This will be adjudicated by the RST academic council.)
Conduct of the Final Thesis Defense
There will be different modes to the final thesis defense conduct depending on the following variables: concerns and availability of the panelists, the directives from CHEd and UST, local directives due on health (COVID) conditions from Quezon City, and specific congregational directives. The following are the possible procedures for the final thesis defense. Each defense is to be determined by the Research Planning and Development Office after due consultation.
1. Public Defense taking into consideration the required physical distancing.
a. Thesis defense will be held in a more spacious room to allow physical distancing.
b. Limited audience will be allowed (the secretary of the panelist, and a representative from the community, if any)
c. Coffee and a very minimum snacks will be served for the panelists during the conduct of the defense.
2. Online Public Defense.
a. Use of Google classroom or meet platform.
3. Non Public Research Evaluation by the Panelists
a. In place of the panel defense, panelists will comment on the research work based on the set criteria to be provided by the RPPD office. Comments, in written form, are to be submitted to the Research Office. These will be consolidated and presented back to the researcher and thesis adviser for incorporation and revision of the research.
4. A combination of the above possibilities.
Post Thesis Defense Requirements
1. Panelists will likewise grade the work based on the standards (cf. Writing Theology, Art., IV, “Research Processes and Procedures,” sec.2, 3.3.)
2. From this point forward, the processes and procedures for the Post Thesis Defense, applies namely:
a. Incorporation of corrections, suggestions, addenda and revisions made by the panelist during the final thesis defense.
b. Thesis editing by a Language Editor.
c. Completion of the necessary Introductory requirements prior to thesis binding
i. Title Page (use official RST Header)
ii. Endorsement Sheet (with RST official Header); SIGNED BY: Adviser, Terminal Paper Writing Supervisor, Dean of Studies, Rector
iii. Approval Sheet; SIGNED BY: Panel of Examinees: Chairman, Member, Dean of Studies and Rector
d. Submission of 4 copies (Hardbound) to the Research, Planning and Development Office.
e. Submission also a digital file of the thesis (both in word and pdf formats). The digital copy is to be submitted in a single file (all parts incorporated into one single file)
f. Release of final thesis to the Registrar’s office will only be upon the submission of the final thesis document.
g. Final and completed research work is expected to be submitted one (1) month after the conduct of the final thesis defense.
The following alternative final thesis defense format is not the rule. Its applicability will be determined by the Research Director based on prevalent necessities and circumstances like: availability of the panelist and time constraints, among others.
RST: Research , Publication, Planning and development Office
Updated: June 9, 2020