RST Plan for Ending SY 2019-2020 during ECQ

RST Plan for the Ending of School Year 2019-2020 during the Extended and Post-Enhanced Community Quarantine

The RST Board of Trustees decided on the continuity plan during the Extended and Post-Enhanced Community Quarantine.  Please read and be guided accordingly:

I.               Classes for Second Semester SY 2019-2020

a.     Classes will end on May 30, 2020.  All classes shall continue to be given online, through email or through Professor’s Nook until the end of the Second Semester.

b.     The professors shall continue the dissemination of notes and reading assignments through email.   The dissemination process will end on the following dates:

b.1.  May 17, 2020 for Graduating Students
b.2.  May 24, 2020 for Non-Graduating Students

c.      On the Final Examinations:

c.1. Graduating students: May 18–23, 2020.
c.2. Non-Graduating students: May 25–30, 2020.
c.3. The final examination can be replaced by a term paper, a module/s for a specific subject or topic, and other final requirements.
c.4. The professors are requested to communicate to their students or to the Dean’s office ([email protected] or [email protected]) the coverage and questions.

II.     Grades
a.     Professors are requested to email a scanned copy of their signed grading sheets to [email protected].
b.     The final numerical grade for this Second Semester SY 2019-2020 shall range from 1.00 – 3.00.
c.      All professors are requested to submit the final grade not later than June 15, 2020.

III.   Comprehensive Exams (CE)

a.     The CE will be either written or oral.
b.     It will be conducted on June 30, 2020.
c.      The coverage of the CE will be on the following areas of theology:
Dogmatic Theology
Moral Theology and Spiritual Theology
Sacred Scriptures
Patrology and Church History
Pastoral Theology and Liturgy
Canon Law
d.     Some professors will be asked by the RST Dean to give at least two thesis topics per subject.  All thesis topics should be submitted to the dean for dissemination to the graduating students on or before May 1, 2020.

IV.           Thesis Proposal/Final Defense

a.  Please see “announcements section” for detailed guidelines regarding thesis proposal/final defense.

V.        Refund the following:

a. Lakbay Aral
b. Symposium

VI.           Graduation Ceremony

a.     Due to the pandemic crisis, there will be no graduation rites for this SY 2019-2020.   All Candidates for graduation will be issued a Diploma as long as they have completed all the requirements for their respective degrees.
b.     Graduates for this academic year are eligible to join the graduation rites 2021.

With much prayers on this Season of Easter, may the Risen Lord deliver us from all harm.

Fr. Radni Caparas, OAR, SThD                                   Fr. Lauro V. Larlar, OAR, PhD
Dean of Studies                                                                        Rector