Academic Programs
Bachelor of Arts in Sacred Theology
The Recoletos School of theology, as an affiliate of the Royal and Pontifical University of Sto. Tomas, offers a Bachelor’s degree in Sacred Theology (BST). This is a three-year or six-semester degree program. To obtain this degree, candidates are to complete a total of 134 units of theological studies and 9 seminar courses.
Master of Arts in Theology
Recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd), the school offers a Master of Arts degree in Theology (MAT) with specializations in Church History and Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Biblical Catechesis, New Testament (Greek) Translation to Mother Tongue, Old Testament (Hebrew) Translation to Mother Tongue, and Augustinian Spirituality and Pedagogy.
Admission Requirements
Enrolment Procedures

RST admits future members of the clergy and candidates to religious life and to pious organizations. It is also open to lay persons, provided they meet the required qualifications stated in Sapientia Christiana, Art. 31 and RST Statutes.
On the scheduled days for enrolment, students are to fill out the enrolment form. Data that are of primary importance include the following: updated Personal Information, Curricular offering data i.e. courses, schedule of classes and number of units to be taken.
- Download the ENROLMENT FORM from the website: You can also access the same form from your RST Facebook Group account.
- After filling up the FORM, rename each file by using this format: SurnameFirstNameYearLevel. Use the following codes to designate your year level: 1 (first year), 2 (second year), 3 (third year), 4 (MAT Completers).Example: DelmundoRedentor1
- Send your accomplished FORM as PDF files to the Registrar through this email address: [email protected].
- Entrance Examinations (online or in-person) : Until January 10, 2025.
- The enrolment is scheduled on January 6-10, 2025
Please be guided accordingly.
OAR Stories
St. Augustine and His Monastic Ideals
Birth of the Augustinian Recollection
The Province of San Nicolas de Tolentino
The Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno: Beginnings, Restructuring, and Revitalization