Prior Provincial receives 2 Recollect friars in the Solemn Profession

Mira Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY – Two Augustinian Recollect friars said their definitive “yes” to God as they solemnly professed the Evangelical Counsels last Saturday, October 15, 2022, at Our Lady of Consolation Parish. They were Fray Ivan C. Cuison, OAR, and Fray Jhoben M. Rodriguez, OAR, who are now incorporated perpetually as members of the Order of Augustinian Recollects.
Rev. Fr. Bernard C. Amparado, OAR, Prior Provincial of St. Ezekiel Moreno Province, presided at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Rite of the Admittance to the Solemn Profession. Together with him was Fr. Ian Anthony R. Espartero, OAR, Prior of Recoletos Formation Center, Fr. James C. Castelo, OAR, Master of the Professed, and some Augustinian Recollect priests from different communities.
In the homily of Fr. Bernard cited the three different vocations in the Church and highlighted the vocation to consecrated life. He said that religious are the light of the world and they become the heralds in spreading the good news of salvation. “They become the living signs of the joy of the Gospel which fills the hearts of all who have met Jesus, and this joy of consecrated life comes from following Jesus,” said Fr. Bernard.
Before the final blessing, Fray Ivan C. Cuison, OAR, delivered his message of gratitude to all the people who were supporting and journeying with them. .
Prior to their solemn profession of vows, last October 14, 2022, the community of Recoletos Formation Center witnessed the Rite of Renunciation of the two candidates held at St. Thomas of Villanova Chapel. Fr. Ian Anthony Espartero, OAR, officiated the Rite of Renunciation and Fr. Kenneth Joseph Onda, OAR, and Fr. James Castelo, OAR, acted as a witness.
Fray Ivan and Fray Jhoben attended the Curso de Preparacion in Spain from July 17, 2022 to August 28, 2022 as part of their preparation for the solemn profession. They were joined by some religious who will solemnly profess from various countries where the Order is present.
-by Fray James Francis M. Bago, OAR