Ateneo professor gives a seminar on the Online Learning

A seminar on the Online Learning was conducted at the RST. Prof. Mark Calano, a faculty member of Ateneo de Manila University, was the resource speaker. The event was held on July 6, 2020 from 8:30 AM to 12 NN at the Aula II of the Recoletos School of Theology. This seminar was conducted as a preparation for the adjustments to be made in the Academic Year 2020-2021, which is expected to be amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
“During the pandemic, the students have become the center of learning. What remains the same is the learning content:” said the Ateneo professor as his introductory lines.
Professor Calano focused his talk on remote teaching and remote self-study. His talk was divided into two – the first being about the theory, and the latter being about the praxis.
The gist of the theoretical part of the seminar was the differences between traditional teaching and the online learning. Despite the differences of the mode, he said that teaching is still the same.
The gist of the practical part was the Learning Management System (LMS). There were three LMSs being compared side by side: Schoology, Google Classroom and Canvass.
The people who attended the seminar were the professors of the school, the students and the formators of the RFC.
Laus Deo!
Mr. Ralp Andrew Cepe Jr. (ForSOAR)