Bishop Gaa ordains 7 Augustinian Recollect Priests

Bro. Romel Acebron•December 10, 2019
Mira-Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY—On Saturday, December 7, 2019, the Bishop of Novaliches, Most Rev. Roberto Gaa, DD, officiated the Presbyteral Ordination of seven Augustinian Recollect deacons held at Our Lady of Consolation Parish.
After the long years of seminary formation, seven religious friars of the Order of Augustinian Recollects were solemnly ordained to the priestly ministry. They were as follows: Fray Jorr S. Rabacal, OAR, Fray Monday Benjamine Edobor, OAR, Fray Ifeanyichukwu Maximillian Omem, OAR, Fray Jovy A. Gallego, OAR, Fray Andrie S. Pugate, OAR, Fray Tomakatsu N. Yamaguchi, OAR, and Fray Jessriel L. Marcha, OAR. Fray Edobor and Fray Omem were the first Nigerian Augustinian Recollects ordained as priests in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno.
The ordaining prelate, Bishop Roberto reminded the ordinandi and the people about the significance of the occasion. “The ordination…is not a magical event that erases all our issues; [ordination] consecrates us before God that sets us solely for the service of God. In fact it is just an acknowledgment of the little things these deacons gone through. Mind you, formation only allows us to handle our issues, but the issues are still there. But we have learned to handle them hopefully,” said Bishop Gaa. The good bishop, during his homily, emphasized to all the endless struggle and demand of following Jesus.
After the ordination, Fray Jovy Gallego, OAR, one of the newly ordained priests, delivered a message of gratitude by extending his heartfelt thanks to God and to all who tirelessly helped them all throughout their formation years. He also ask for continuous prayers for all of them especially as they venture into their newly designated assignments.
The celebration was well-attended by a good number of guests present that include the parishioners, the parents, relatives and friends of the deacons and including the members of different religious congregations who came. The estimated number of people present were about a thousand which was quite unexpected. Present during the celebration were 48 Augustinian Recollect priests.
Before the final blessings, the Vicar of the Province, Fray Ian Anthony Espartero, OAR read the assignments of the newly ordained priests. Fray Jorr Rabacal, OAR, will live in the community of brothers in Recoletos de Casian, Palawan; Fray Monday Benjamine Edobor, OAR, will stay in Recoletos de Plaridel, Palawan; Fray Maximillian Omem, OAR, will be back to where he spent his diaconal exposure program in Recoletos de Valencia, Negros Oriental; Fray Jovy Gallego, OAR, will be sent to the newly established community of Recoletos de Bengkayang, Indonesia; Fray Andrie Pugate, OAR, and Fray Tomokatsu Yamaguchi, OAR, will be assigned in Recoletos de Kamabai and Recoletos de Kamalo, respectively; and Fray Jessriel Marcha, OAR, will be assigned in Recoletos de Provincialate.