The Recoletos Formation Center (RFC) Community welcomed the freshmen theology students in a simple celebration on September 5, 2019 held at the dining hall of the formation house.
RFC holds an annual tradition of welcoming the new students in an elaborate and hilarious welcome party but the celebration was toned down this year. In the previous year, the event involved a program that resembled an all-male pageant where the newbies were asked to strut their stuff and get in to the adrenalin-packed question-and-answer portion. The quick-witted whose astuteness was tested in what was deemed as a grace-under-pressure moment gets to bring home the “coveted title” of being the Mr. Q & A – which was single-handedly won by Br. Marco Peter Dasco, DS, in last year’s celebration.
This year though, the celebration was not marked with hilarity and extreme amusement. The program kicked off with a welcome remark from the community beadle, Fray Jovannie Seismundo, OAR, followed by a song rendition from the Recollect Friars. Another song was rendered by the intern students belonging to the various congregations, namely, Disciples of Hope, Emmanuel Servants of the Holy Trinity, Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts and the Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor.
The ultimate show of the night was the song rendition cum interpretative dance performed by the neophytes: Fray Neil Robert Alilain (Order of Augustinian Recollects), Br. Christian George Aguila (Extraordinaire Companions of the Archangel Raphael), Br. Jimmy Salonoy (Franciscans of Our Lady of the Poor), and Br. Roldan Diego & Br. Norbert Pedrosa (Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor).
Rev. Fr. Lauro Larlar, OAR, the Rector of the Recoletos Formation Center, formally closed the event.
–Br. Constantino V. Salas, MMMP