RST Celebrates Christmas Party

December 14, 2018 – RST celebrated the Christmas party after the final exams of the first semester.
The activity was held at the third floor of the PPC building of the Our Lady of Consolation Parish (OLCP) Mira-Nila Homes, Quezon City. Among the guests were formators of the Recoletos Formation Center and other Formators of theologians from other congregations, Professor of RST and the theology students.
The program started with a prayer. Then, the different congregations intermingled as they enjoyed the lunch. The fun part of the celebration was the time for parlor games. There were three groups, divided according to the different year levels.
As an early Aguinaldo, winners received their cash prizes. Rev. Fr. Radni Caparas, OAR delivered a closing speech after the games. The Christmas party ended with a prayer at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Fray Ralp Andrew R. Cepe Jr., OAR