Solemn Profession of Vows and the Rite of Renunciation at Recoletos Formation Center

Despite the super typhoon Ompong devastating the Northern part of the Philippines, the Order of Augustinian Recollects celebrated the scheduled solemn profession of vows of seven friars at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish last September 15, 2018. Presiding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was Rev. Fr. Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, Prior Provincial of the Order, with two assisting deacons, Rev. Kenneth Pahamutang, OAR and Rev. Paul Demiliones, OAR. Concelebrating priests included Rev. Fr. Kenenth Joseph Onda, OAR, Rev. Fr. Lauro V. Larlar and other religious priests of the Order.
In his homily, the Prior Provincial exhorted the candidates to recall their personal encounter with God and the moment they responded to His calling. Further, he admonished the candidates relative to the imminent challenges and difficulties lurking in their chosen path. He also consoled them not to back down but persevere instead for they have the Word of God to depend on. Fr. Selma reminded them not to fear because God “sends persons as instruments to guide us.” Delivering the message of gratitude was Fray Tomokatsu Yamaguchi, OAR.
Prior to their solemn profession of vows, last September 13, 2018, the community of Recoletos Formation Center witnessed the rite of renunciation of seven candidates for diaconate, namely: Fray Jorr Rabacal, OAR, Fray Benjamin Edobor, OAR, Fray Maximillian Omem, OAR, Fray Jovy Gallego, OAR, Fray Andrei Pugate, OAR, Fray Tomokatsu Yamagchi, OAR and Fray Jessriel Marcha, OAR. Held at Sto. Thomas Villanova Chapel, the rite of renunciation was lead by Rev. Fr. Lauro V. Larlar, Prior of the community and Rev. Fr. Kenneth Joseph Onda, OAR, master of the professed acted as the witness. In the said ceremony, candidates answered the inquiry of impediments and made the oath of renunciation in public before the community. The ceremony was then put into conclusion by Father Prior’s short exhortation and final blessing.
Story by: Fray Ramon Bitancor, OAR