Father Radni defends his Dissertation, Achieves Doctoral Title and Latin Award

UNIVERSITY OF STO. TOMAS, MANILA- Rev. Fr. Radni Caparas, OAR defended his dissertation entitled “The Christology of Saint Augustine in the Writings of Benedict XVI before his panelists: Chairman: Fr. Rodel Aligan, OP, Members: Fr. Jose Antonio Aureada, OP, Fr. Virgilio Ojoy, OP, Fr. Jannel Abogado, OP, Fr. Rolando Mactal, OP. His adviser was Msgr. Sabino Vengco Jr.
The defense started at 3:05 PM at the UST Ecclesiastical Building. Fr. Caparas, OAR passed the dissertation defense and merited the title Doctor of Sacred Theology with the Latin Award of Magna Cum Laude.
His lectio coram was postponed to September 17, 2018 due to the upcoming super typhoon Ompong.
Congratulations Fr. Radni Caparas, OAR, SThD.
Story by: Fray Ralp Andrew Cepe, OAR