RST Attends a Talk on Current Social Issues

Recollect Theology students and fathers attend a seminar on the Current Social Issues given by Atty. Antonio La Viña. The affair was organized by the Commission on Social and Ecological Concerns—Recoletos and the Commission on Communications and Publications-Recoletos and was held at the Pastoral Center of the San Nicolas de Tolentino Parish.
Atty La Viña a former dean of the Ateneo School of Law, an expert of International Law, and an environmentalist, presented his insights on the socio-politcal context of the country. Some of the theme he pondered on were the following: the conditions of the poor and the marginalized as constant victims by the political systems and administrations; the pros and cons of the possible shift of the form of government from presidential to federal; the implications of the seeming internal squabbles within the political ranks of the ruling party of the administration; the economic situations of the county and its prospects in the years ahead; the international relations and directions of the present government; and the anti-corruption agenda. The talk may be classified as comprehensive, honest and spirited, feisty but always respective to the varied political sentiments and inclinations of the audience. The talk was themed—An Angry Nation, Discerning on choices and Inventing New Options.
The program began with a prayer led by Fr. Renie Villalino, OAR, the current Parish Priest of Our Lady of Consolation, Inayawan Cebu, and an opening statement from Fr. Jose Ernil Almayo, OAR–the Provincial Secretary and Chairman of the Commission on Communications and Publications. Fray Jaazeal Jakosalem, OAR read an extensive résumé of the resource speaker bespeaking of his involvements and passion for the country.
Fr. Ferdinand Hernando, MB, the Superior of the Missionaries of the Beatitudes, was the designated reactor who agreed with the speaker in almost all issues and concerns.
The talk ended with a closing remarks from Fr. Leander Barrot, OAR who recalled some points from the latest Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops Conference on the Sacredness of Life, Integrity of Creation and Dignity of Person.
At midday, the attendees were invited for a special lunch to celebrate the birthday of Fr. Ernil Almayo.
By: Fray Ramon Bitancor III, OAR